I cannot guarantee this will work but it is worth a try! Damn you Microsoft!! *dramatically shakes fist*Īnother method although I haven't tried it yet is if you use ENB there maybe an option in enblocal/enbseries to 'force fake video card', this might work.

Oh, and you will need to change your sD3DDevice to "NVIDIA Geforce 8800 GS" in your FalloutPrefs.ini! I used the old Performance Booster dll by nix9862 and this allows the game to run! Also with the newest Nvidia driver installed so less hassle and won't mean other games suffer. Finally found a solution although a slightly different tactic. If anyone finds a better solution, please feel free to post! Microsoft need to fix this but most likely will not because they suck. Yep, that seems to of fixed it! Not a great solution because now this will affect newer games but it'll do for now. Thanks Microsoft for wasting my day! Cortana can die for all I care I'll do this now and post again about the results. If anyone is having this issue, you need to revert back to an older Nvidia Driver. Just found out the answer to my own issue! Thanks for reading! Any help would be greatly appreciated My last resort would be to uninstall and reinstall everything. I've tried all different comparability modes but to no avail! I need a saint to help me resolve this issue as I have ran out of possible ideas of what to do. My Fallout 3 GOTY has been working flawlessly for the past few months and this has been a right kick in the ass! I was curious whether or not others were having this issue. The first program was NvidiaInspector which I did manage to get working again but now, my beloved Fallout 3 CTD's whenever I try to load or start a new game. So basically, I've just come home and updated Windows 10 only to have a bunch of programs suddenly develop issues. WHO CARE ABOUT WINDOWS 10 S**TY FEATURES ANYWAY?